Record Store Business Loans
Simple application. Simple process.
Simple application. Simple process.
If you own an independent record store, you hopefully see profits. However, running a record shop requires capital to pay for ongoing expenses such as inventory, rent, employee salaries, electricity, and marketing, to name just a few. Balboa Capital is a small business lender that is ready to help. Our record store business loans will be music to your ears because they have predictable payments.
You can apply for a small business loan quickly right on our website. If your loan application is approved and you decide to move forward, one of our business funding specialists will contact you to discuss your options and answer any questions. Balboa Capital funds record store loans quickly, so you can expect to receive your cash in record time, pun intended.
These are some of our minimum lending requirements, and meeting them does not constitute a business loan approval.
Should you apply for a small business loan, additional lending criteria will determine if you qualify.
As you know, the digital era turned the music industry upside down. Compact discs overtook vinyl records as the most popular means of listening to music. CDs were eventually replaced by online music that could be streamed anytime, anywhere. That said, the digital era has not ended vinyl record sales in the United States.
Vinyl records have experienced a resurgence. People enjoy buying records online and at brick-and-mortar record shops and listening to them on stereo record players. This is excellent news for your record shop, so long as you maintain adequate cash flow. Balboa Capital has money to lend, so apply for a small business loan.
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Qualified workers can help set your business apart.