Wedding Photography Success Tips

wedding photography success tips

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

When digital cameras hit the market, the wedding photography industry in the United States changed immensely. Gone were the days when professional wedding photographers only took pictures of the bride and groom if they were sure they were great shots. Photographers had to make sure every roll of film counted. And why wouldn’t they? Film photography was expensive, and brides and grooms expected to see stunning pictures on every proof sheet. Without great photos, the chances of wedding photography success would decrease.

Today, digital cameras make it easier for more photographers and photography enthusiasts to get started in wedding photography. But, with the increased competition, you might be wondering how you can set your wedding photography business apart. This Balboa Capital blog article has the answer.

Set up your wedding photography business.

It sounds like a given, but many wedding photographers have not set up their businesses correctly. Doing so will make you look professional to your clients and protect you from potential legal liabilities down the road. It is good to hire an attorney to properly register your wedding photography business and help you create the proper photography contract. After you choose a business name, your attorney can make sure that another photographer does not already trademark it.

Get liability and equipment insurance.

Imagine this scenario: You book a wedding shoot and spend countless hours planning it with the couple and creating your timetable and shot list. Then, you show up at the venue only to find out that you need insurance to work on the property. The bride and groom do not have time for this; they want their special moment without interruptions.

If you cannot snap their pictures, you have problems. First, obtain insurance to protect you from lawsuits, liabilities, or other related claims. Also, consider getting insurance for your photography equipment against damage or theft.

Have a wedding photography contract.

It is pretty easy to overlook the legal side of wedding photography. First, you must protect yourself and your wedding photography business with a contract. An attorney can help you structure an agreement, a legal document containing the responsibilities of both parties, such as pricing, location, cancellation policy, deliverables, delivery date, reproduction rights, etc.

Presenting a binding wedding photography contract shows that you are a true professional, and it will help ensure that all parties are on the same page in terms of expectations.

Get the right camera, lenses, and gear.

No matter how talented a wedding photographer you are, you cannot capture the best pictures without the best equipment. Your equipment is a long-term investment in your business, so try to get the best tools to fulfill the expectations of your clients. DSLRs, wide-angle lenses, telephoto lenses, macro lenses, light kits, lightboxes, filters, wireless remotes, tripods, and monopods are expensive. Still, you can get them with a short-term business loan or a photography equipment financing plan.

In addition, invest in backup versions of your most crucial equipment, such as your camera and lenses. This will enable you to keep shooting in the rare event something malfunctions. Moreover, do not forget about image storage. Bring a laptop computer to your wedding shoot, and make backups of all images on at least two external hard drives. Having the right camera, lenses, and related gear can lead to wedding photography success.

Market your wedding photography business.

The best way to land new clients is to showcase your work, and it starts by having a website with a portfolio of big, beautiful images. Once you create a business website, update it frequently with news, events, and blog posts. Also, promote your wedding photography business on social media to expand your reach and grow your brand.

Professionalism: The key to wedding photography success.

Finally, be professional and courteous when meeting with prospects. Get to know who they are and what they want from a wedding photographer, and work with their budgets accordingly. The more you connect with them, the more likely they will hire you for their wedding.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.