3 Ways to Stay Consistent on Social Media

how to stay consistent on social media

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

No matter how much planning you put into your business’s social media goals, your busy workdays can prevent your goals from being achieved. Before you know it, days or weeks can go by without any social media activity on your part, which is not a good thing. If you are not posting a consistent flow of relevant content on social media, it won’t be easy to spread the word about your brand, engage with followers promptly, and grow your audience. Fortunately, there are simple and cost-effective ways to share content regularly and stay on top of your social media tasks. This Balboa Capital blog article explains. It features three ways to stay consistent on social media.

1. Manage your accounts.

Many small businesses hire digital marketing managers or entire digital marketing teams to manage website content, paid advertising, public relations, and social media. However, keeping your social media efforts in-house and not outsourcing them to a freelance worker or hiring a social media management company can result in more brand consistency.

An in-house social media manager will fully understand your business’s culture and marketing strategy, and their posts and messages will follow established brand guidelines. This will help you sleep better at night because you will not have to worry about a social media mishap such as an insensitive post or a heated online debate. Plus, an in-house social media manager can engage with your followers more quickly and help you stay consistent on social media.

2. Schedule posts in advance.

One of the best ways to save time and remain consistent on social media is to schedule posts in advance. Many free and paid social media scheduling platforms let you do this. It is a great way to push out content on an ongoing basis and keep your brand in the social media spotlight. In addition, using a scheduling platform is easy and efficient. All you need to do is add content (links, photographs, or videos) to the scheduling platform with a text intro and hashtags.

Then, select the social networks that you want to use. The social media scheduling platform does the rest; it will publish your Facebook™ posts, LinkedIn™ posts, or Instagram™ photos on the days and times you selected. This eliminates the hassle of switching between social networks and copying and pasting everything multiple times.

3. Do not be overly social.

There are hundreds of social media sites to choose from. Having your small business on too many platforms and remaining consistent on social media is unrealistic. An excess number of social media accounts can be overwhelming and prevent you from maximizing your potential on each. In addition, some social networks might not be relevant based on your business’s industry or target audience.

For example, if your business targets an older demographic, you would waste your time on an app targeting a younger demographic. So, pick a few social platforms that appeal to your audience and maximize your online visibility.

Balboa Capital, a Division of Ameris Bank, is not affiliated with nor endorses Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram. The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.